Thursday, February 26, 2009


So, some of the younger and far more in touch, members of my leadership team have suggested that doing the facebook thing is a great way to introduce this blog to more people. We were talking about effective ways of getting the Gospel message out to the greatest number of people, and it was said that more and more people communicate through online social networks. While I know that, I have never had any interest in getting involved in one. It was actually Duncan Callahan that convinced me that, especially for communicating with younger people, something like facebook can be very effective.

Since our mission is to bring God's Word to as many people as possible, it seemed like a no-brainer to take the plunge and learn another new technology. This is no different than going to a coffee shop, or mall food court (something I try to avoid like the plague) in order to connect with people. We Christians have to be where people are so that we can win some - right?

So as of today, I'm a facebooker, or a facebookee, I've been facebooked - you get the idea. So if you want to see my face I guess, there is a link over to your right. Gosh, we could even be friends!

1 comment:

  1. myspace,facebook,twitter and im sure
    some that i prob missed are the future
    imo for getting the gospel out
    well this and podcasts
