The earnest, (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. - James 5:16 Amplified
Beginning in James 5:13, James describes a lifestyle that centers around conversation with God. He says that when we are in trouble, we should pray, when we are happy, we should praise, when we are sick, we should receive prayer and be healed, when we sin, we should be open about it, confess to one another, and receive fresh forgiveness from the Lord.
In verse 16, James makes this amazing statement. He says without reservation that the prayer of a righteous man (person) is powerful and effective. That’s great news, because from our end it doesn’t always feel that way. But we don’t build a powerful Christian life on our feelings or on the way things look in the natural, but on God’s Word–right?
So here the Word of God says that your prayers are effective and powerful. You might say, “No, that verse says that the prayers of a righteous person are powerful, but I yelled at my wife, kicked the dog, ran a red light on the way to work, and cheated on my time card today. So much for my prayers.” Well, OK, sounds like a lousy way to start the day, but you’re missing the point.
Remember, righteousness describes our position before God, His acceptance of us, His undying love for us, and faithfulness to us, not our condition of more or less holiness. Righteousness is a position of favor and acceptance that Jesus won for us and gave us as a gift. When I was a little kid, I can remember being at the County Fair with my big brother. We went by one of those booths with a crane in it that can pick up various toys and prizes. There was a miniature camera in there that I wanted bad, but I was too small to even reach the controls, let alone actually work the crane and get the prize. So my big brother stepped up, put his own money in the machine, and got that camera on the first try. I was really excited about what he had done, the Carney seemed less than enthused, but I was really proud of him. Then to my surprise, he turned around and gave me the camera. Just like that–he turned over this precious thing that he had paid for and won to me. No doubt I ruined it within a day, but he didn’t care. He seemed to enjoy my joy over it. Jesus earned the place of righteousness and gave to us as a gift. He wants us to enjoy it.
So, we are righteous all the time, meaning God’s door is always open to us, He never rejects us, and He views us through what Jesus did on our behalf, not based on what we have done. That doesn’t mean that sin doesn’t matter, it matters a lot because it releases death into our lives and messes with our heart’s openness to God.
But, and get this, my prayers and your prayers are making tremendous power available, generating a flow of divine power, not just when our behavior is perfect, but every moment that we are praying with confidence in the finished work of Jesus. Sweet!! Righteousness means I can go to God in a time of need with all confidence. I’m not there to convince Him of my need, He was already convinced of human need, that’s why He gave His Son for us. I’m not there to get Him to do something on my behalf, He already made all provision for me in Christ. I am there to see and hear His heart. I am there to discern what part of the provision that belongs to me in Christ I need to bring into the trouble spot and release. I am there to get any correction, encouragement, or equipment that He says I need for the occasion.
Powerful prayer. It is yours and mine all the time. Let’s use it!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Train Me In Your Ways
Be blessed, GOD; train me in your ways of wise living. I'll transfer to my lips all the counsel that comes from your mouth; I delight far more in what you tell me about living than in gathering a pile of riches. I ponder every morsel of wisdom from you, I attentively watch how you've done it. I relish everything you've told me of life, I won't forget a word of it. Be generous with me and I'll live a full life; not for a minute will I take my eyes off your road.
Psalms 119:12-17 (MSG)
Isn't it an amazing thing to know a God who doesn't just stand apart from His people and give decrees, but actually "trains us in His ways of wise living." Our God is a Father at heart. I know that more and more people have had an earthly Father that never showed them this kind of love. They may have a difficult time with that idea, but it is true - God is a great Dad. He loves every one of His kids, and He takes delight in walking through the stages of life with us, and imparting His own wisdom to us.
Our God is not a God of press releases. He does not just send us a message of counsel, encouragement, or even correction. He leads personally and counsels one-on-one in real time. He is available, He is never too tired to talk, He is ever watchful for our safety and benefit, He is gentle but not a push-over.
The precepts that God gives us to live by, are not like most of the laws and rules we are used to on earth. While many of our laws are there for our benefit, God's laws are not only life-giving, they are reflections of the way God Himself lives. Once you realize that even "The Law" is a window into the nature of God, that all of His Words are full of life, and that He has made Himself available to train you in them, it is easy to take His laws into your heart.
For example, God tells us not to murder, because He is not a murderer and He wants us to live a life that is free from anger and bitterness. He tells us not to commit adultery, because He is a person of absolute fidelity, and He wants us to share that powerful character trait. He tells us not to lie, because He is a person of His word and has no fellowship with lies. He wants us to enjoy the abundant life that comes from honest living.
God is a good God. There is no variance in that. All that He does and says is for our benefit. I strongly urge you to give Him your life-each moment of your life. Feed on His word like it was the best food that you can imagine. Read your Bible not as a book of rules, but as if you were sitting down to a banquet table with your best friend. God will be continuously generous with you, and you will enjoy a full life.
Psalms 119:12-17 (MSG)
Isn't it an amazing thing to know a God who doesn't just stand apart from His people and give decrees, but actually "trains us in His ways of wise living." Our God is a Father at heart. I know that more and more people have had an earthly Father that never showed them this kind of love. They may have a difficult time with that idea, but it is true - God is a great Dad. He loves every one of His kids, and He takes delight in walking through the stages of life with us, and imparting His own wisdom to us.
Our God is not a God of press releases. He does not just send us a message of counsel, encouragement, or even correction. He leads personally and counsels one-on-one in real time. He is available, He is never too tired to talk, He is ever watchful for our safety and benefit, He is gentle but not a push-over.
The precepts that God gives us to live by, are not like most of the laws and rules we are used to on earth. While many of our laws are there for our benefit, God's laws are not only life-giving, they are reflections of the way God Himself lives. Once you realize that even "The Law" is a window into the nature of God, that all of His Words are full of life, and that He has made Himself available to train you in them, it is easy to take His laws into your heart.
For example, God tells us not to murder, because He is not a murderer and He wants us to live a life that is free from anger and bitterness. He tells us not to commit adultery, because He is a person of absolute fidelity, and He wants us to share that powerful character trait. He tells us not to lie, because He is a person of His word and has no fellowship with lies. He wants us to enjoy the abundant life that comes from honest living.
God is a good God. There is no variance in that. All that He does and says is for our benefit. I strongly urge you to give Him your life-each moment of your life. Feed on His word like it was the best food that you can imagine. Read your Bible not as a book of rules, but as if you were sitting down to a banquet table with your best friend. God will be continuously generous with you, and you will enjoy a full life.
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