Monday, January 4, 2010


At RMCM, we are taking this first full week of the year as a time of fasting and prayer. We are doing this as a means of consecrating this first portion of the year to the Lord, and also as a way to seek Him for His vision for us in 2010. Here are a couple of thoughts on fasting that I hope will help you have a great week of seeking God.

Fasting is not something that Christians do as a sacrifice to get God’s attention, His favor, or His blessing. Favor and blessing are provided for the believer by the blood of Jesus, and appropriated by the believer through faith.

Fasting does not move God; God has already moved toward us in Christ. Fasting moves us–it humbles us, and puts us in a position to more clearly hear what God is saying to us.

Fasting demonstrates the fact that we live by the Spirit and by faith, not by the flesh. When we fast, we set food, and other distractions aside, not just for the sake of setting them aside, but in order to clear the way for some quality time with God.

Over the course of the week, we will be sharing a few ideas about fasting, as well as some keys to effective fasting. I hope all of you are off to a good start in setting this first full week of the year aside to God.

Karen and I would be very interested in your thoughts and experiences during this week. Drop us an email, and let us know how it is going.

Pastor John

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