I am still just a little bit in shock right now. Today at about 10:45 am, Karen and I had the privilege of signing the documents that transferred nearly 7 acres of land, and our church building, to the ownership of Rocky Mountain Christian Ministries. While this did mean that the church is taking on a large debt, it also meant that we now have a significant piece of equity in this property.
We just took a walk together to the back part of the property just to look at it and let God build His plans further into our hearts. It is a very life-changing thing to stand on and touch something that was just a dream in your heart that you believed was from God. Things like this begin with a whisper from the Holy Spirit. That whisper arrives in our hearts with a release of power that pulls us up short. We ask God, “Is that you?” “Are you serious?” Then, over time, that whisper takes on shape and gives direction to our feet. We start to believe that what we are sensing is not just something we made up, but an actual dream from our Father’s heart.
Then come the weeks, or months, or years, or decades, or generations, of holding that dream through thick and thin and defending it against the onslaughts of doubt, fear, and unbelief. We have to learn to love, but not listen to, the naysayers and the critics, as we return again and again to God’s presence for fresh hope, faith and direction. Then one day, there you stand with the dream of God as a reality in your life. It doesn’t matter if it is a financial need, or a need for healing, or wisdom, or a better marriage, the miraculous nature of it is just the same. Whatever the miracle consists of, it is one more confirmation that God is able to bring His dream to pass in your life.
The real kicker is that by the time one dream is manifested in front of you, God has dropped two or three more into your heart. He just never stops! I think that’s because His dream has little to do with land and buildings and all these physical needs that we have. His dream is for a people. This property is only important because it facilitates worship. It is a visible representation of the fact that God loves to interact with people. Every car that drives by this property sees a sign that says that people gather here to worship the living God. God loves to gather with us and pour Himself into our hearts. He is passionate about every man, woman, and child that lives in, or passes through, this valley. He is glorified when we gather together and dare to believe Him–dare to dream with Him.
So we have reached one more milestone in the unfolding of this particular dream–the one we know as Rocky Mountain Christian Ministries. But the biggest dreams and the greatest work are still in front of us. Some of you that read this will just think “that’s cool,” but others will sense God’s call to be a part of moving this dream forward. Jump in with us and participate. God has a role for you to play. That’s what real life is all about.
Dad's pretty cool ain't He!