Last night, at our mid-week Bible Study, We had a great discussion that centered on the idea that God loves the worship, or devotion, that is chosen. We started by asking the question, why were their two trees in the Garden of Eden? This was before the fall of man and the entrance of sin, and yet God created an environment for mankind that included options. Man had to choose from the very beginning. There was never a time when man existed that he did not have to choose between the life of God and the knowledge of good and evil.
I believe that says something about God Himself, and about His design for man. God values relationship that is free-flowing, not coerced or manipulated. God loves worship that comes from a willing heart. When we choose to love and serve God, it says something about our value for God.
During the discussion, a question was raised about why, if God does not select certain people to be saved, and others not to be saved, if it is really a matter of choosing what God has provided, are there not more people choosing God? Why are our churches and Bible studies not full to overflowing? I believe the answer lies in fallen human nature. Choosing God means choosing a way that is not the most popular, and requires a great deal of personal dedication, commitment, and sacrifice. Jesus paid the price for our sin, and salvation is a free gift, but walking with God on earth, while a blessed and satisfying way of life, is not the easiest road to walk.
I think Jesus answered the question well when He said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13, 14).
Jesus is an open door that leads to life. In fact, He Himself is eternal life. But if you are going to follow the path of least resistance, or follow the crowd, you are most certainly going to miss out on God’s plan for your life. On this earth, the places that draw the biggest crowds, and the most public approval, are rarely the places that are filled with God’s Presence. So choose well, choose wisely, and choose to worship the only One who deserves it.
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