Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just finished a visit, the last one for this trip, with my Mom. She is 88 and has Alzheimer's. She is hanging in there, but declines a bit at a time. It really makes you think about how truly brief and fragile life is. My Mom has lived a very good life, raising 5 children, and outliving 2 husbands. She was, and is, a very strong lady, and I appreciate all the things she did for all of us.

It seems like a very short time ago that I was looking up at her, probably trying to hide whatever mischief I was in at the time. Now she is frail, and I have to help her stand. When I came in today, she was asleep in her chair. I just watched for a while, then woke her. She didn't remember I was here of course, but she recognized me right away and was very excited about the visit. I think what brought the biggest smile though was the Dove dark chocolate bar I brought her - big grin! Sound familiar?

Life is very short. We need to be living every moment for God and His purposes. I guess I should say, life on earth is short. Life is actually eternal - another good reason to live every moment for the Lord and His purposes.

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