Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I have noticed that sometimes it is the small blessings of God that seem to mean the most. I think it’s because, from some instinctive, human standpoint, it seems to us that God must have more important things to do than to take care of inconsequential details in our lives. The things I am talking about are nice, but by no means necessary. And for that reason, they express the love of God toward us in a very meaningful way. The little blessings show that we have His undivided attention, and that He knows our heart’s desire at any given moment.

Right now we are on a ridiculous trip to pick up a pick-up (I just like to say that) in Florida and drive it home. We have a 4WD truck, but his one is better in so many ways that I won’t bore you with it. We didn’t NEED a different truck, but through a series of heart changes and leadings, God brought this one along. Then the thing was in Florida, but God worked all that out too. So now we are driving it back, and along the way seeing several old friends that we rarely get to see. So the whole thing is a blessing.

We are only a few days into the trip, but already we have seen God doing a number of little things that say he is with us, and enjoying the ride too. The first day out, we caught a ride to Denver with a good friend who has a reputation as a bit of a crazy driver. While I know he took it easy for us, it was very evident that the man is actually a very good driver. He may push the speed limit a bit at times, but he does not tailgate, or pass in the mountains on double-yellows or blind corners. Those are the things that scare the tar out of me. The ride was so comfortable and enjoyable, that it made for a great day with a good friend – blessing #1.

When we checked into the motel in Denver, they gave us a nice suite, instead of the bargain-basement room we had requested, for no apparent reason. We would have been perfectly happy with the room we had reserved, but the Lord just gave us a nicer one at no charge – blessing #2. This has gone on day after day. We wouldn’t have noticed the absence of these things, but they have made each day special, and the love of God tangible and that is the point.

I will share some more with you on this, but right now I have to get going. We have a long drive through a state we’ve never seen today. Oh, by the way, Karen just asked what I was doing, and I told her what I was writing. I said I needed to look up the verse about how God perfects the things that concern us. She said, “That’s Psalm 138:8.” I was surprised that she knew it right off. Turns out she just happened to be reading it right then in her morning Bible reading. Blessing #3. I don’t even have to look up my own verses.

Psalms 138:8 NIV - The LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.

Perfect – to complete, or bring to a desired end.

Psalm 145:2 Amplified – Every day [with its new reasons] will I bless you [affectionately and gratefully praise you]; yes, I will praise your name forever and ever.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Part of what makes the church so great is the multiplied sense of the grace of God that occurs as believers go through life together. Last weekend we experienced the death of a wonderful young woman in our church. Although she moved away a few years ago, her parents are still active members of our congregation, and she was such a part of all our lives, that it feels like she never left. This girl started attending with her Mom when she was about 9 or 10. From the beginning she brought a vibrant enthusiasm to all that she did, and we will all miss her very much.

At any given time in a local church there are people of all ages and all walks of life going through all of the ups and downs that life brings. Some people are experiencing a victory, while others are struggling against adversity. Through it all, God remains the same. He never changes, never waivers, and He is always closer than your next breath. He is there when we are rejoicing and there when we are grieving.

What makes the church so great is that we go through life together. When times are good we rejoice together, when times are hard we uphold one another. When somebody hurts us, or offends us, we make it right and go on. When one is blessed we are all blessed. We don’t quit, we don’t walk away, we don’t turn our backs on each other. Well, sometimes we do, but it is kind of a joke because we will all spend eternity together in the presence of God.

Because of this shared experience, times like this week, while terribly painful, provide an opportunity to see the real Body of Christ in action. Whenever there is a tragedy, an attack, or just a tough time, this group of believers that I am privileged to pastor rises up and takes care of each other in a magnificent way. The grace of God that rests on each life flows like a river from one to another. It is an amazing thing to see, and I think it is what makes the church so great.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Just finished a visit, the last one for this trip, with my Mom. She is 88 and has Alzheimer's. She is hanging in there, but declines a bit at a time. It really makes you think about how truly brief and fragile life is. My Mom has lived a very good life, raising 5 children, and outliving 2 husbands. She was, and is, a very strong lady, and I appreciate all the things she did for all of us.

It seems like a very short time ago that I was looking up at her, probably trying to hide whatever mischief I was in at the time. Now she is frail, and I have to help her stand. When I came in today, she was asleep in her chair. I just watched for a while, then woke her. She didn't remember I was here of course, but she recognized me right away and was very excited about the visit. I think what brought the biggest smile though was the Dove dark chocolate bar I brought her - big grin! Sound familiar?

Life is very short. We need to be living every moment for God and His purposes. I guess I should say, life on earth is short. Life is actually eternal - another good reason to live every moment for the Lord and His purposes.